
In my career, I’ve been fortunate to be recognized for the quality of my work.  The below is a gallery of letters of recommendations from managers and awards from organizations that I’ve received as well as some quotations from some of those letter.  More recent recommendations can be found on my LinkedIn profile (you need to be a member and signed in to view the recommendations).

“It would not be an understatement to say that his efforts during a critical period during 2001 and 2002 helped rescue a contentious and failing project and turn it around into a successful system implementation. … His writing style is clear and his conclusions are unmistakable. … His verbal and presentation skills are equally assured. … In summary, it would be impossible for me to overstate Mr. Foster’s contribution to the conclusion of this five-year $60 million dollar system development effort. He played a key role in turning this project around and making it a success. I have no doubt that he will be a tremendous asset to any organization that is fortunate enough to employ him in the future.” Read this letter

“Mr. Foster brought a considerable array of business skills to my office. He is an excellent communicator, both orally and in writing. He worked exceedingly well with both State and contractor staff and managed to get things done while still leaving them smiling. Most of all, he brought a lot of sunshine to an often difficult project, and he will be sorely missed by everyone, including me. I fully believe he will be a tremendous asset to any future employer.” Read this letter

“The unique nature of a startup organization poses many operational and organizational challenges. With no established procedures in place, employees are required to be flexible and creative in their approach to forging corporate systems and operations. Mr. Foster was among the best in that regard. He applied his knowledge of information systems and operations to create one of the best-run departments in the company. He was one of the best problem solvers in the company. … he was an excellent personnel manager. His staff was well trained and among the most helpful in the company. I attribute that to his devotion to the their professional development and personal welfare. … I recommend him highly to any future employer.” Read this letter

“I am writing this letter about an exceptional officer, LT Edward Foster. He is a bright, ambitious person who built our office automation program from its inception. … His communications skills are exceptional as evidenced by the numerous reports and letters he has authored and the daily interactions he has with my directors and commanders. … I am certain, if selected for the position for which you are considering him, he will perform in an outstanding manner and justify your hiring decision.” Read this letter

“As a member of the departmental management team, Mr. Foster has worked well with his peers, consistently offering his assistance with projects related and unrelated to the operation of his particular service. In summary, Mr. Foster has been an extremely valuable member of the Medical Center Staff. His technical, management, and personnel skills have resulted in the busiest and most productive period of time since the creation of Psychiatric Information Services in 1975. I firmly believe Mr. Foster will be an asset to any organization wishing to engage his services in the future.” Read this letter